How Long Do Crickets Live?

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Crickets are interesting creatures that most people know very little about. Lets start by answering the question: how long do crickets live? Crickets can live for up to two years.

That’s right – two whole years!. Crickets are a common house pest, and they can be a nuisance if not properly managed. In this post, we will look more closely at the life cycle of a cricket and its lifespan.

Crickets are nocturnal, hiding throughout the day to protect themselves from predators.

Male crickets often choose a location where they can make the loudest sound while looking for possible mates. They generate the chirping noise by rubbing their legs together.

They protect these locations from other men. Males sometimes engage in chirping “duels,” competing to sound better to women. On a warm night, crickets are more active and tend to chirp louder and quicker.

As crickets get older, their chance of being eaten by a predator increases. To avoid being eaten, older crickets often live in groups. By living in groups, crickets can warn each other of predators and help each other escape.

What do Crickets eat?

Crickets are omnivorous insects, which means that they eat both plants and animals. In the wild, crickets primarily feed on plants, including leaves, stems, and seeds. In addition, they eat snails, worms, and other tiny invertebrates like insects.

Cricket life cycle

Crickets have a simple metamorphosis, meaning that they go through four distinct stages of development: egg, nymph, adult, and reproduction.

Egg Stage

Female crickets lay their eggs in soil or plant material. The eggs hatch after a few weeks, depending on the temperature and humidity.

Nymph Stage

When the eggs hatch, the young crickets, called nymphs, look like smaller versions of adults. They molt (shed their exoskeleton) several times as they grow.

Adult Stage

Once the nymphs have molted for the final time, they become adults. Adult crickets are able to mate and reproduce.

Reproduction Stage

Male crickets attract females by singing, which is produced by rubbing their wings together. Once a female is attracted, the male mounts the female and fertilizes her eggs. The female lays her eggs in soil or plant material, and the cycle starts over again.

How long a cricket Live depends on the species and the environment. Some crickets only live for a few weeks, while others can live for several months to two years.

How to stop cricket infestation in your home

If you have a cricket infestation, there are a few steps you can take to try to eliminate them:

Remove any sources of food and water: Crickets are attracted to moist environments and will feed on a variety of organic materials.

Remove any excess moisture and clean up any spills or food debris to make your home less attractive to crickets.

Seal any cracks or openings: Crickets can enter your home through small cracks and openings. To keep crickets out, weatherstripping or caulk should be used to fill any gaps around windows and doors.

Use pesticides: There are a variety of pesticides available that are effective against crickets. Follow the instructions on the label carefully and use protective gear when applying the pesticide.

Use traps: There are several types of traps that can be used to capture and remove crickets from your home. These include glue traps, sticky traps, and bait traps.

Use natural repellents: Some natural repellents, such as cucumber peels and bay leaves, can help to repel crickets.

If you are unable to eliminate the cricket infestation using these methods, it may be necessary to seek the help of a professional pest control service.


How long do Crickets live? have been a common question in the lips of many nature enthusiasts and we have endeavored to supply the answer in this article.

If you notice any signs of cricket infestation in your home contact an exterminator who can treat your home properly for this pesky little creature!

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